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2 or more authors | 
Background Image/Text  |  BIG Titles | 
Date | 
Examples | 
image over/under title | 
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New layout |  No pagenumber on titlepage |  No titlepage/titlepage | 
titlepage/No titlepage |  Two Titlepages | 
LaTeX Packages

No pagenumber on titlepage
Here is an example which prints no pagenumber for the first two pages, inclusive the titlepage and then starts with counting.

This is also possible for only the titlepage, put the \pagestyle{plainOld} after the titlepage.

New Layout for the Titlepage

If you want another layout for the titlepage you can use the package myTitlePage.sty. Put it in any place where LaTeX finds it and do a
Then you'll get a modified titlepage. Have a look at the package, it's easy to understand and also easy to modify.

Links for Examples

Two Titlepages
By default there is only one titlepage possible. If you want another one, then you have to save everything. See example.

Titlepage/No Titlepage
With the classoption titllepage or notitlepage as an option for the documentclass.
for example: class article has no own titlepage. Writing titlepage as an option gives an own page for the title.

For some classes Latex writes by default the actual date in the title-page if there is no other user-given date. To prevent this output of the date you can write

\date{} before the title (also possible in preamble)

If you prefer your own datestyle try the following:

  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
  \space\number\day, \number\year}
and in the text in tex(red)
Then you'll get the same format as for the language american. All languages have their own date format.

For other formats of date and time try package datetime

Image over/under the title
there are several ways to put images over/under a title. It's the same for chapters, sections, a.s.o.
Insert after the beginning of the document a table with two rows and 1 column and no borders. Now insert in the rows your title and your image as you like. Here is a dvi-view. You can change the order of title and image.

2 or more authors side by side

The latex command \and puts 2 or more authors with an own \thanks command side by side centered in the titlepage.

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