Total hits for this month: 1213, build at Sat Apr 27 10:39:33 CEST 2024

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NoFilenameHitsAveragein %
1 table/cells 34 2.80 start2middle2end2
2 counter/counter 29 2.39 start1middle1end1
3 symbols/wasysym 27 2.23 start2middle2end2
4 layouts/examples 27 2.23 start1middle1end1
5 docs 26 2.14 start2middle2end2
6 fancy/header 22 1.81 start1middle1end1
7 table/dashed 19 1.57 start2middle2end2
8 software 19 1.57 start1middle1end1
9 gui/TeXnikCenter 19 1.57 start2middle2end2
10 symbols/symbols 17 1.40 start1middle1end1
11 color/color 16 1.32 start2middle2end2
12 misc/harpoon 16 1.32 start1middle1end1
13 tocloft/TOC 16 1.32 start2middle2end2
14 bibtex/bibtex 16 1.32 start1middle1end1
15 paragraph/paragraph 15 1.24 start2middle2end2
16 table/longtable 15 1.24 start1middle1end1
17 table/table 15 1.24 start2middle2end2
18 layouts/nassi 15 1.24 start1middle1end1
19 titlepage/background 14 1.15 start2middle2end2
20 tocloft/tocloft 14 1.15 start1middle1end1
21 table/Examples/examples 14 1.15 start2middle2end2
22 refs/refs 14 1.15 start1middle1end1
23 texlive 14 1.15 start2middle2end2
24 titlepage/titlepage 13 1.07 start1middle1end1
25 symbols/textcomp 12 0.99 start2middle2end2
26 mathstuff/mathmode 12 0.99 start1middle1end1
27 misc/dna 12 0.99 start2middle2end2
28 misc/chemistry 12 0.99 start1middle1end1
29 misc/classfiles 11 0.91 start2middle2end2
30 symbols/LaTeXSym 11 0.91 start1middle1end1
31 bibtex/preamble 11 0.91 start2middle2end2
32 layouts/layout 11 0.91 start1middle1end1
33 layouts/chapter 11 0.91 start2middle2end2
34 hyperref/hyperref 11 0.91 start1middle1end1
35 length/length 11 0.91 start2middle2end2
36 symbols/hexagon 11 0.91 start1middle1end1
37 layouts/abstract 11 0.91 start2middle2end2
38 fonts/extsizes 10 0.82 start1middle1end1
39 misc/renew 10 0.82 start2middle2end2
40 Index/indexstyle 10 0.82 start1middle1end1
41 listings/examples 10 0.82 start2middle2end2
42 floats/maxwidth 10 0.82 start1middle1end1
43 language/language 10 0.82 start2middle2end2
44 misc/chapterPic 10 0.82 start1middle1end1
45 underbracket/bracket 10 0.82 start2middle2end2
46 gui/GUIs 10 0.82 start1middle1end1
47 Appendix/appendix 9 0.74 start2middle2end2
48 floats/eps 9 0.74 start1middle1end1
49 listings/listings 9 0.74 start2middle2end2
50 hfill/hfill 9 0.74 start1middle1end1
51 table/textFigure 9 0.74 start2middle2end2
52 misc/timestamp 9 0.74 start1middle1end1
53 misc/spanish 9 0.74 start2middle2end2
54 page/page 9 0.74 start1middle1end1
55 symbols/pentagon 9 0.74 start2middle2end2
56 verbatim/verbatim 9 0.74 start1middle1end1
57 beamer/beamer 9 0.74 start2middle2end2
58 layouts/BoxFrame 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
59 layouts/widows 8 0.66 start2middle2end2
60 list/enumLabel 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
61 PS/ps 8 0.66 start2middle2end2
62 bibtex/footbib 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
63 list/lists 8 0.66 start2middle2end2
64 misc/marginpar 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
65 lineno/lineno 8 0.66 start2middle2end2
66 index.html 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
67 floats/nonFloat 8 0.66 start2middle2end2
68 layouts/thesis 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
69 equnarray/PolDiv 8 0.66 start2middle2end2
70 IfThen/ifthen 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
71 floats/parameter 8 0.66 start2middle2end2
72 misc/penalties 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
73 layouts/letterspacing 8 0.66 start2middle2end2
74 converter 8 0.66 start1middle1end1
75 misc/overwrite 7 0.58 start2middle2end2
76 Graphics/graphics 7 0.58 start1middle1end1
77 misc/twocolumn 7 0.58 start2middle2end2
78 misc/misc 7 0.58 start1middle1end1
79 tocloft/continue 7 0.58 start2middle2end2
80 nihongo 7 0.58 start1middle1end1
81 space/space 7 0.58 start2middle2end2
82 mathstuff/cd/cd 7 0.58 start1middle1end1
83 misc/firstBold 7 0.58 start2middle2end2
84 footnotes/footnotes 7 0.58 start1middle1end1
85 PS/landscape 7 0.58 start2middle2end2
86 fonts/fonts 7 0.58 start1middle1end1
87 misc/IncludeInput 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
88 floats/newFloats 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
89 layouts/cd 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
90 floats/fullwidth 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
91 floats/subfigure 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
92 multicols/multicols 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
93 floats/caption 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
94 symbols/yingyang 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
95 language/hyphen 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
96 ScreenShot/ScreenShot 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
97 misc/dynBox.tex 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
98 list/enum 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
99 misc/search 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
100 list/examples 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
101 bibtex/examples 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
102 SuperSub/SuperSub 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
103 fancy/examples 6 0.49 start2middle2end2
104 mathstuff/matrix/matrix 6 0.49 start1middle1end1
105 html/path 5 0.41 start2middle2end2
106 fonts/print 5 0.41 start1middle1end1
107 OverUnder/TextOverArrow 5 0.41 start2middle2end2
108 color/aetf 5 0.41 start1middle1end1
109 misc/highbox 5 0.41 start2middle2end2
110 language/spanish 5 0.41 start1middle1end1
111 nomencl/nomencl 5 0.41 start2middle2end2
112 Index/preamble 5 0.41 start1middle1end1
113 table/vertical 5 0.41 start2middle2end2
114 labels/label 5 0.41 start1middle1end1
115 floats/floats 5 0.41 start2middle2end2
116 misc/underline 5 0.41 start1middle1end1
117 language/cyrillic 4 0.33 start2middle2end2
118 misc/l2h 4 0.33 start1middle1end1
119 html/url 4 0.33 start2middle2end2
120 paragraph/margins 4 0.33 start1middle1end1
121 seminar/seminar 4 0.33 start2middle2end2
122 titlepage/logo 4 0.33 start1middle1end1
123 floats/width 4 0.33 start2middle2end2
124 list/intro 4 0.33 start1middle1end1
125 misc/visitingCard 3 0.25 start2middle2end2
126 music/musictex 3 0.25 start1middle1end1
127 WaboveW/WaboveW 3 0.25 start2middle2end2
128 misc/metapost 2 0.16 start1middle1end1

local time: Sat Apr 27 10:39:33 CEST 2024 ; file is: 1764.15885416667 days old
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