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bar on left side |  header or footer |  with picture environment |  with text  | 

Bar on left side

A logo in the header or footer

for textclass komascript
    a logo in the upper right
    \titlehead{\hfill \includegraphics[clip=,scale=.4]{logo.eps}}%  Logo
for all classes with fancyhdr
    an example for a footer:
    \savebox{\mylogo}{\includegraphics[width=mm]{/..the path.../logo}}
    an example for a header:
    \headsep 2cm
    \hoffset -1.5cm
    \textwidth 15cm
    %right empty
    % left
             \large Technical University of Berlin\\
             \small{Department of ..................}\\

A Logo with the picture environment

in preamble \usepackage{graphicx}:
    maybe, that you have to edit the values (-150,-200), so that the eps-file is in the right upper corner.

A Logo with Text

Write in latex preamble
\put(-8,+8.5){#1}% the logo for the left side
%\put(8,+8.5){#1}% the logo for the right side
\put(-7,9){\parbox[b]{5cm}{\Large \centering #2}}
%\put(3,9){\parbox[b]{5cm}{\Large \centering #2}}% text for the rightside
For the titlepage write the command in the same line before or behind the titletext.

The first parameter of \mylogo{}{} is the image, which can be inserted an inlined image. The second parameter is text, which is printed right or left beside the logo.

local time: Sun Sep 1 04:09:05 CEST 2024 ; file is: 1893.46509259259 days old
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