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All penalties are set through an explicit value. for example \widowpenalty=10000 in text or in latex preamble.

Penalties for paragraphs:

  1. \linepenalty: for every line
  2. \hyphenpenalty: Hyphenation with empty "pre-break" part (standard hyphenation)
  3. \exhyphenpenalty: Hyphenation with no empty "pre-break" part (hyphenation at a hyphen)
  4. \adjdemerits: two lines which shouldn't get together
  5. \doublehyphendemerits: two following lines with hyphenations
  6. \finalhyphendemerits: Hyphenation in forelast line
  7. \binoppenalty: in a textformula at a binoperator
  8. \relpenalty: in a textformula at a Relationssymbol
  9. Penalties for pages:

  10. \interlinepenalty: between every line
  11. \clubpenalty: behind first line of a paragraph
  12. \widowpenalty: before last line<(li>
  13. \displaywidowpenalty: before last line if an equation follows
  14. \brokenpenalty: behind a line with hyphenation
  15. \interfootnotelinepenalty: between two lines of a footnote
  16. \predisplaypenalty: before a displayed equation
  17. \postdisplaypenalty: behind a displayed equation

local time: Sat Jul 27 10:42:27 CEST 2024 ; file is: 1857.70282407407 days old
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