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\marginpar Command"
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Left and right margin notes

Margin notes in math mode

General use of margin notes

For example use of
\marginpar[a text left-outside the text inside the margin]{a text right-outside the text inside the margin}
gives for the twoside mode
a right marginnote
a left marginnote
For the oneside mode there are only right margins.

The koma-class defines a new command \marginline[1] which works like \marginpar but its a little bit easier to handle. Therefore it makes sense to modify the marginpar command like:

\renewcommand\marginpar[1]{\-\oldmarginpar[\raggedleft\small\sf #1]{\raggedright\small\sf #1}}
Now \marginpar can be used with only one parameter
\marginpar{a text outside the text inside the margin}
The marginnote appears in another fontstyle:
a right marginnote
a left marginnote

The notes are automatically right or left set.

The other commands which depends to \marginpar are

  1. \reversemarginpar
  2. \normalmarginpar
  3. \marginparwidth
  4. \marginparsep
  5. \marginparpush

Changing Fontsize
To get another font or alignment write in the preamble (f.ex. another fontsize and raggedright)
\newcommand\myMargin[1]{\margin{\raggedright\scriptsize #1}}

Marginpars for math equations
To get this work put the eqaution into a minibox:

text text text

f(x)=\int \frac{1}{x} dx

text text text

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