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Hyphenation and Raggedright |  Package hyphenat (on/off switch) |  problems |  Raggedright and Hyphenation |  Slides |  sloppy |  Typewriterfont |  userdefined hyphenation |  wrong hyphenation | 

  • 3,5''-Diskette with ngerman.sty insert it as 3,5''"~Diskette

  • Slides
    Slides have by default no hyphenation, because it is very inappropriate.

    Raggedright and Hyphenation
    By default you get a text without any hyphenation when you choose the option \raggedright in your text. To get hyphenations too, write in preamble:
         \rightskip=0pt plus 10mm
    The last commands are only useful when you do not want to have hyphenations like hy-phenation. Instead of the above solution you can try package ragged2e, too.
    Typewriter font
    Text in typewriterfont can also be hyphend whit package hyphenat:
    This package is available at CTAN..

    With the command \sloppy you get a better formatting and less hyphenation problems. The following command sequence does this better than \sloppy. Put it in LaTeX preamble:
      \tolerance 1414
      \hbadness 1414
      \emergencystretch 1.5em
      \hfuzz 0.3pt
      \vfuzz \hfuzz

    Problems with hyphenation
    Put the following commands in LaTeX preamble, if you have some lines which went out of the right margin:

    Userdefined hyphenation
    Always when the tex-hyphenation gives bad results you can force hyphenation in different ways. For example we have the word internationalisation with the possible hyphenations in-ter-na-tio-na-li-sa-tion
    1. in latex preamble write \hyphenation{in-ter-na-tio-na-li-sa-tion}
    2. in the text write in\-ter\-na \-tio\-na\-li \-sa\-tion

    Wrong hyphenation

    At first control, if latex supports hyphenation in your specific language. Have a look at Menu View->Latex LogFile

    This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1) (format=latex 2000.12.27)  27 DEC 2000 21:09
    LaTeX2e <1999/12/01> patch level 1
    Babel  and hyphenation patterns for american, british, french, german, n
    german, nohyphenation, loaded.
    It's the beginning of the logfile of the latex-run. In this configuration hyphenation is only supported for the languages american, british, french, german, n(ew)german hypehnrules.

    There is for example no support for spanish or norwegian. Follow these steps:

    1. Become root and run texconfig
    2. Go in the hyphenation->latex menu
    3. Texconfig lets you edit a configuration file
      The following steps belong to your local installation. In my system the standard editor is joe, other prefer vi. Anyway, look for a line which lists your language, e.g. spanish. uncomment the line by deleting the "%". With vi put the cursor under the character and type x once.
    4. Save and exit from the editor (Ctrl-K-x with joe or escape-:-x with vi)
    5. Exit from texconfig.

    Another latex-run shows that spanish is now a supported language for hyphenation:
    This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1) (format=latex 2000.12.27)  27 DEC 2000 22:57
    LaTeX2e <1999/12/01> patch level 1
    Babel  and hyphenation patterns for american, british, french, german, n
    german, spanish, nohyphenation, loaded.

    local time: Sat Jul 27 09:39:06 CEST 2024 ; file is: 1855.75486111111 days old
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