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More Links (under subject "Postscript") |  Booklet |  Border around each Page  |  Merge Postscript files |  Resizing Postscript-Output | 

Print a border around each Page
an easy way is to print the ps-output with psnup
psnup -b10 -d1 yourFile.ps | lpr

b10: 10 pixel border
d1: draw line with a width of 1 pixel

Print Output as Booklet
Save the following shellscript as book4, make it executable and run it like
book4 myOutput.ps | lpr
than you'll get it printed as booklet. If you don't have a duplex-unit for your printer save the output into a file (book4 myOutput.ps > new.ps) and print odd/even pages separately.
# script for book generation.
# Examples of use: 
#  man -t  | book4 | lpr -P
#      This will print the man pages in book format and
#      both sides. If you need file out, say:
#  man -t  | book4 > out.ps
#  cat name.ps | book4 > name2.ps    #  ps-file to book-format
#  book4 name.ps | lpr               #  same

#export PATH


if test $# -gt 0; then
   for N in $*; do
      $PSBOOK -q $N | $PSNUP -q -2 | $PSTOPS -q "2:0,1U(1w,1h)"
   $PSBOOK -q | $PSNUP -q -2 | $PSTOPS -q "2:0,1U(1w,1h)"
The same is possible with the following PostScript command
psbook document.ps | pstops -pa4 4:0@.7L(21cm,00)+1L@.7(21cm,14.8cm),2L@.7(21cm,00)+3L@.7(21cm,14.8cm) > output.ps
(all on one line).

Explanation of the commands:
psbook rearranges the order of the pages of the original document.ps file into a new one, appropriate for double-face booklet printing; the output is then piped (via the | shell command) to pstops that acts on the pages to create new physical pages containing groups of logical pages from the old document, according to the following rules:

-pa4 (final paper format is A4)
4: (group pages into 4-page booklets)
0 (page 0 from each group should be:
    @.7 (scaled by .7, which is the reciprocal of \sqrt{2}, that is the ratio between the original A4 paper format and the final reduced page size, which is an A5, aka half an A4: A4 has dimension in a \sqrt{2} ratio, and thus the .7)
    L (rotated by a quarter of a circle to the left)
    (21cm,0) (translated to this position on the new physical page) )
+ (add the next page spec to this same side of the new physical page)
1 (page 1 from each group should be:
    @.7 (scaled by .7, which is the reciprocal of \sqrt{2}, that is the ratio between the original A4 paper format and the final reduced page size, which is an A5, aka half an A4: A4 has dimension in a \sqrt{2} ratio, and thus the .7)
    L (rotated by a quarter of a circle to the left)
    (21cm,14.8) (translated to this position on the new physical page) )
, (add the following page specs to the other side of the new physical page) and so on and so forth. If the original document is already in half/A4 format (a5paper) you can leave out the @.7 specs from the page rearrangements.

Merge Postscript Files
You need Ghostscript, which is available here. Merging is possible with the following command:
ghostscript -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pswrite -dBATCH -sOutputFile=out.ps part1.ps part2.ps part3.ps ...

Resizing Postscript Output
for example to resize a paper in DINA3 format to DINA5 format run:

psresize -Pa3 -pa5 test.ps | lpr
or from a specific size to a4 paper
psresize -W21cm -H40cm -pa4 test.ps | lpr
psresize -Pa3 -w6cm -w4cm test.ps | lpr
for an extremely output. For more information run man resize.

local time: Sat Jul 27 16:03:00 CEST 2024 ; file is: 1861.22309027778 days old
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